9 Oct 2007

塔斯島WWOOF ( Sandfly in Tasmania )


Thank you Ian:
Show me the peace and patience.
Spiritual life as in Heaven.

Sunshine comes through the window.
Spring showers bring the rainbow.

Slice and stack the wood.
Listen and take a look.

Scrap and Lemmy jump on the refrigerator.
Sheep eat grass into stomachs.

Sunset shine on Mt. Wellington.
Stars twinkle in the Southern Constellations.

Short stay and full of wonder.
So nice for me forever.

Special thanks to Sandra.
Share a great time together.



Anonymous said...

HI Arcane~

thanx for sharing your beautiful memory! here's the question...I'm planning to go to Tasmania for WWOOFing in late December...probably get there on Dec. 31...which airline would you suggest? JETSTAR (Taipei to Singapore) & TIGER (Singapore to Tasmania)?

besides, is late Dec. the peak season for landing a WWOOF job? e. g. the place of the peaceful retired scientist...I heard it's a must to own a car to find a job like that...is it true?

would you be so kind to either e-mail or MSN me via the same account: tw5281980@hotmail.com

thank you for your time and wish you all the best in Aussie!

Iva from Kaohsiung

Fan said...

Jetsatr可以買到很便宜的機票, 要早點定好就是了
澳洲各大城市的飛機班次比較多, 有時即使距離比較遠, 也能買到比鄉村來回便宜的

WWOOF是類似環保工作, 幫助照顧有機農場, 不支薪換取住宿與食物
全年各地都有, 與當地Host一起生活且分享文化的好時光, 請看WWOOF.com.au

有車子, 旅行會很方便, 油盡量在城市加滿, 油價在各處是不一樣的, 也可以旅行的時候載順道的人分擔油費
不過我被不只一個澳洲當地人建議, 說背包客賣的二手車車況有時候很不穩定, 修車的錢是很驚人的, 如果不幸拋錨要修, 有時比當初買二手車還貴(一台二手車約1000~3000澳幣; 我遇過最便宜的是我WWOOF的HOST賣的, 十歲的打檔小貨車只要500澳幣)

工作上, AIFS機構會幫我找工作, 當地認識的朋友也會幫忙介紹, 目前還沒遇到找不到的情況
另外我認為harvest的工作不難找, 其他類型的工作等我有足夠經驗再跟妳分享經驗...
有時候農莊會跟當地caravan park合作, 工作期間就住那, 雇主會開車接送, 每星期會有約50澳幣的travel fee
薪水每小時約16澳幣(我見過最好的是朋友介紹的, 每小時20澳幣, 且是黑工不用繳稅, 雇主還免費借一台車通勤)
澳洲政府有出一本介紹所有地方季節工作, 請看www.jobsearch.gov.au/harvesttrail