26 Oct 2007

Wwoof介紹 (host)

Wwoof book把塔斯島的Wwoof hosts分為南與北, 南邊host大多是圍繞Hobart首都, 北方的host則散布各地點

Wwoof book裡有些描述令我感覺很棒(吸引我的部分字體加粗^^), 如果時間充裕很想去:
(只有列編號, 聯絡方式在Wwoof book, 想感受不一樣的生活方式, 加入Wwoofer吧)

TH044 West Hobart
We live communally in the city and share the garden with our cats and chooks.
Stays & work are negotiated- as a fair exchange between equals.
Activities include helping run the clothes stall at Salamanca Market, where Wwoofers are welcome to sell their creations, helping around the house, cooking fabulous meals, &gardening.
We create our lives around the principles of love, generosity, fun & responsibility.
We are mostly vego, and welcome left-leaning workers, students & artists, Gay/Lesbian/Bi- friendly.
NSI. Accom for 1-2.

TH092 Sandfly
20 acres of steep to undulating hills & pasture behind Mt Wellington in a sheltered valley, 20 min from Hobart. Can P/U from the city.
I am a retired agricultural scientist and we have regenerated this formerly neglected land with tree planting, vegetable and fruit garden.
Cats dogs & sheep with lots of birds and other wildlife.
Work includes maintenance of garden, weed control, building, fencing & housework.
Comfortable accom for 1-2 people in home, detached cabin of BYO.
Not suitable for children. No smoking.
Competent cooks especially welcome.
Close to some of Tasmania's premier scenic attractions.
We like to take time off for walking & sightseeing.

TH143 Stormlea
I'm a well-travelled ex-Wwoofer now developing 8 acres of land that backs onto the Tasman National Park section of Cape Raoul & Shipstern Bluff, 10kms from Port Arthur & 2 hours drive from Hobart.
Surfing & rock climbing for the extreme!! Hiking, swimming & cycling for anyone, soccer in the winter, plus sea kayaking & diving interests.
Varied work woth a big vegi garden, hot house & orchard. Also building a big house that is soon to be a B&B.
There is a sauna for those chilly nights.
Can P/U from Hobart with prior notice.
Accom for 1-3 people in barn loft.
Children OK. Mixed meals. NSI.

TN098 Meander
I grow a few berries & fruit trees which end up feeding the birds.
I am about to put in another orchard so the birds won't starve.
I also have a vegie garden when the possums let me.
I love meeting people from other cultures and have met some wonderful people from all corners of the planet.
Many of my Wwoofers have come back for 2nd & 3rd visits!
Hhmmm. Must be the ice cream & chocolate biscuits.
I've even visited my Wwoofers in Korea & Japan.
I am happy to show you around some of the beautiful places here: hikes, caves, waterfalls, cliff tops & lakes (if I can afford the petrol!!).
There is a river close by to swim in.
When there is work to be done.
I really appreciate the help and am happy to teach people skills.
I am a patient person and know what it is like to speak a foreign language. I can help with English.
Work here includes weeding, firewood collecting, orchard work, building, ice cream eating competitions, anything!
If you can cook, I will worship you forever.
I love music-classical, soul, dance, funk, house, jazz.
I have a piano & play the pipe organ.
I am also a botanist and can tell you about the plants & trees.
For me, Wwoofing is not about work but about meeting people, sharing, laughter & fun!
Special Request: To try & save the ancient forests from logging, we are having a Forest Festival on February 17-18th 2007. Forest walks, music, theatre & fun!
I and other wwoof hosts here need lots of Wwoofers to help set the festival site up.
Yes, you will get into the festival Free!
Please come and be part of saving Tassie's most precious asset!

TN070 Western Creek
We live on a lovely 30 acre property bordering the Western Creek with the Great Western Tiers as the backdrop.
Excellent bushwalking opportunities exist off the main tourist routes, including the classes or daily relaxation/meditation sessions.
We are currently working on completing a strawbale Yoga Studio.
Other interests include biodynamics, bushcare & bushwalking.
We have a productive vegie garden & orchard & a small flock of sheep.
Work includes gardening, harvesting & processing of food, tree planting, caring for sheep & bushcare.
HH duties including cooking & GFM according to your capabilities.
Always something work arrangements can be flexible to allow for other activities.
Comfortable rooms available in our house, a separated hut or nice camping spots.
Wholesome food, special diets catered for.

Term and meaning
NSI = no smoking inside
Accom = accommodation
P/U = pick up
B&B = bed and breakfast
GFM = general farm maintenance = fencing, irrigation, building.

25 Oct 2007

Wwoof介紹 (Introduction & Guidelines)

Wwoof對我而言, 是居住在農莊很Aussie的環境, 通常host都熱愛靈性的生活, 種植有機蔬菜, 有的放羊或是養馬等等
經常的工作互動, 是很好的英文練習機會
在工作結束之餘可以學騎馬或許多天然活動, host也會帶我去很多名勝, 我很幸運地參觀了一年一度的鬱金香花節, 看到美好的海岸風光, 以及許多古老的城鎮
雖然沒有收入, 但好處是也沒有支出, 而這類的harvest工作滿三個月是可以申請第二次打工度假簽證的

接下來是Wwoof book官方版本的介紹:

交流想法與文化, 每天工作4~6小時, 交換免費的食宿

澳洲是個很大的國家, 差不多與整個歐洲一樣大, 或是和美國一樣大
超過1500個hosts分布在全澳洲, 而百分之九十九的hosts並沒有住在城市或城鎮

一個人, 十二個月的會員資格、保險與Wwoof book, 55澳幣
兩個人, 十二個月的會員資格、保險與Wwoof book, 65澳幣

如何聯絡Wwoof host?
當加入Wwoof之後, 會寄送Wwoof book與email給您, 其中有詳盡的聯絡方法
聯絡host的時間最好是早上八點前, 或是晚上六點到八點; 如果你人在海外, 以上是指澳洲時間

在第一次與host接觸的時候, 要問清楚如何到達(是否會接送)、工作內容、食宿情況等等, 也讓host知道你特別的興趣和技術

最少駐留的時間是兩天, 但如果你有任何不適或不愉快, 當然可以隨時離開
可以駐留更久的時間, 這要與你的host作討論

工作內容大多是花園、除草、種樹、築籬笆、餵動物等等, 大多與季節天氣相關
請記住Wwoof的精神, 每天工作4~6小時, 交換免費的食宿

睡袋和手電筒, 靴子和手套, 太陽眼鏡與帽子

必須要詢問host, 許多hosts資源並不足夠
而你對Wwoof很感興趣, 但小孩也許會感到無聊
農場有時會有危險性, 而你可能沒能全時間關注你的小孩

此時你已不再是Wwoof, 而是雇主與員工的關係

可以寄信到wwoof@wwoof.com.au, 或是電話03-5155-0218 (海外61+3-5155-0218)

Wwoof host需要遵守的?
現實環境與Wwoof book描述要一致
確認Wwoofer的ID與Visa, 準備簿子簽名
詢問Wwoofer可勝認的工作與技巧, 期望的食物內容, 並注意是否有任何痼疾及需要的藥物
提供多樣且完整的工作流程, 並盡量與Wwoofer一起工作, 工作時數一天不超過4~6小時
保持食宿清潔衛生, 此點是Wwoofer抱怨中最多的
許多Wwoofer使用大眾交通工具, 要訂好見面或接送時間
絕不可使用辱罵, 絕不可有不適當的行為, 絕不可有性騷擾; 有以上行為都會被立刻移出Wwoof


9 Oct 2007

塔斯島WWOOF ( Sandfly in Tasmania )


Thank you Ian:
Show me the peace and patience.
Spiritual life as in Heaven.

Sunshine comes through the window.
Spring showers bring the rainbow.

Slice and stack the wood.
Listen and take a look.

Scrap and Lemmy jump on the refrigerator.
Sheep eat grass into stomachs.

Sunset shine on Mt. Wellington.
Stars twinkle in the Southern Constellations.

Short stay and full of wonder.
So nice for me forever.

Special thanks to Sandra.
Share a great time together.


7 Oct 2007




另一個是清楚且大多數人的回答,知道台灣,知道是不同國家,且知道說Mandarin Chinese。


要經過塔斯島東方一個地圖上看來快要斷掉的狹路,像是果實黏接著樹 。

6 Oct 2007

塔斯島Salamanca market in Hobart

Ian是我WWOOF的host, 很棒的人, 照片是他跟他的女兒, 他女兒開的羊毛衫店, 您有機會來到訪赫伯的話記得跟她們打聲招呼唷
(羊毛衣服的標籤寫道: 您的購買將支持我們給羊兒有品質的生活)
Ian is my WWOOF host, a good man. It's his daughter's sheep shop. If you have chance to meet them, I'm glad that you'd talk with them :)
(message on tag: your buy support quality life to sheep)

雕像是Tasman, 第一位發現這塊島嶼的captain, 所以就叫做Tasmania囉
The first captain who named Tasman discovered the island, so called it Tasmania.

很美的cockatoo吧, 這些只在動物園才見得著的美麗鸚鵡及鳥類, 在塔斯島都看過一瞥呢
Beautiful cockatoo, I've seen these wild animals in Tasmania.

道地的英式演奏活動唷, 一邊聽著現場音樂一邊逛, 很舒服
Great English music show, I'm so relax for it.

一整個粉紅色調, 買麵包也買到幸福感
Pink style, buy both of the bread and happiness.

手工製作, 而且極具質感, 不過我個人是不會把人臉放在牆上的...
Hand made and well-designed. Anyway I won't put a face on the wall...

Tasmania Devil, 聽名子猜想這動物可是很嚇人, 做成手套挺有趣
Tasmania Devil, it sounds like the animal is threatening.

Some of woodcarvings are nice.

多彩多姿的蠟燭, 買了會不會捨不得燒哩?
Candies are abundant in color.

騎著掃把的女巫系列, 讓我想起魔女宅急便呢, 話說該片取景於羅斯(Ross), 真希望有機會去那古老的城鎮到訪
Witches, I recall a cartoon made in Japan. And the movie obtained the idea form Ross in Tasmania.

matte mats, 我聽到這樣有趣的發音, 所以特別記得
像這樣大眾化的商品, 在澳洲有90%以上是made in China的呀
Matte mats are almost made in China.

The inspirations are from the sea.

呼呼這些農家常見的, 想想塔斯島農人職業占頗大比率, 因這裡面積是台灣兩倍大, 人口只有五十萬呀
So many farmers in Tasmania, cause it twice big then Taiwan and only half million residents.

著名的南極十字, 晚上我第一次認出南十字的時候, 亂感動一把的
Southern Cross is very famous in the Southern Constellation.

赫伯是藝術家雲集的地方, 照片在附近的商街拍的, 實在很特別, 把每個澳洲或塔斯島著名的動物都做成立體的
There are so many artist live around Hobart. These works are three-D.