6 Oct 2007

塔斯島Salamanca market in Hobart

Ian是我WWOOF的host, 很棒的人, 照片是他跟他的女兒, 他女兒開的羊毛衫店, 您有機會來到訪赫伯的話記得跟她們打聲招呼唷
(羊毛衣服的標籤寫道: 您的購買將支持我們給羊兒有品質的生活)
Ian is my WWOOF host, a good man. It's his daughter's sheep shop. If you have chance to meet them, I'm glad that you'd talk with them :)
(message on tag: your buy support quality life to sheep)

雕像是Tasman, 第一位發現這塊島嶼的captain, 所以就叫做Tasmania囉
The first captain who named Tasman discovered the island, so called it Tasmania.

很美的cockatoo吧, 這些只在動物園才見得著的美麗鸚鵡及鳥類, 在塔斯島都看過一瞥呢
Beautiful cockatoo, I've seen these wild animals in Tasmania.

道地的英式演奏活動唷, 一邊聽著現場音樂一邊逛, 很舒服
Great English music show, I'm so relax for it.

一整個粉紅色調, 買麵包也買到幸福感
Pink style, buy both of the bread and happiness.

手工製作, 而且極具質感, 不過我個人是不會把人臉放在牆上的...
Hand made and well-designed. Anyway I won't put a face on the wall...

Tasmania Devil, 聽名子猜想這動物可是很嚇人, 做成手套挺有趣
Tasmania Devil, it sounds like the animal is threatening.

Some of woodcarvings are nice.

多彩多姿的蠟燭, 買了會不會捨不得燒哩?
Candies are abundant in color.

騎著掃把的女巫系列, 讓我想起魔女宅急便呢, 話說該片取景於羅斯(Ross), 真希望有機會去那古老的城鎮到訪
Witches, I recall a cartoon made in Japan. And the movie obtained the idea form Ross in Tasmania.

matte mats, 我聽到這樣有趣的發音, 所以特別記得
像這樣大眾化的商品, 在澳洲有90%以上是made in China的呀
Matte mats are almost made in China.

The inspirations are from the sea.

呼呼這些農家常見的, 想想塔斯島農人職業占頗大比率, 因這裡面積是台灣兩倍大, 人口只有五十萬呀
So many farmers in Tasmania, cause it twice big then Taiwan and only half million residents.

著名的南極十字, 晚上我第一次認出南十字的時候, 亂感動一把的
Southern Cross is very famous in the Southern Constellation.

赫伯是藝術家雲集的地方, 照片在附近的商街拍的, 實在很特別, 把每個澳洲或塔斯島著名的動物都做成立體的
There are so many artist live around Hobart. These works are three-D.

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